Category: Okategoriserad

Möt oss på Fokus Hjälpmedel i Göteborg!

Välkommen till vår monter F30 på Fokus hjälpmedel! Vi berättar gärna om säkra förflyttningar, hjälpmedel och trycksårsförebyggande madrasser. Kom på vår workshop kl 14.30 i Speakers corner, där vi berättar om: Skonsam och kostnadseffektiv lägesändring och vändning av vårdtunga immobila brukare med hjälp av ett motoriserat vändlakan.

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Möt oss på Fokus Hjälpmedel 16-17 oktober 2024!

Väkommen förbi vår monter och se våra lösningar för rörelse, mobilisering och hälsa. Vi berättar gärna om säkra förflyttningar, hjälpmedel och trycksårsförebyggande madrasser. Anmäl dig här till mässan. Vi ses!

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DHG Continues to Strengthen Clinically Differentiated Solutions Offering with Acquisition of the Raizer Product Line

DHG, a pan-European medical device manufacturer, has completed the acquisition of the Raizer product line from Liftup A/S, further strengthening its Safe Moving & Handling portfolio within the highly important falls management market space. The acquisition of Raizer adds an innovative and well-regarded solution to DHG’s comprehensive portfolio, continuing to benefit the portfolio’s focus on … Continued

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Carital Optima, DHG:s antideformationsmadrass, har fått Dementia Design Accredited Product-status av Dementia Services Development Center (DSDC).

Carital Optima, DHG:s antideformationsmadrass, har fått Dementia Design Accredited Product-status av Dementia Services Development Center (DSDC) vid Stirling University, Storbritannien. “DSDC-teamet är av uppfattningen att detta är en välbehövlig produkt och anser att Carital Optima klarar kriterier för att vara en “demensvänlig” produkt, eftersom den kan hjälpa dem med demens att undvika trycksår.” DSDC är … Continued

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Anmälan till ny Ethosutbildning: “Reducera trycksår med DHG”

En introduktion till hur man reducerar trycksår. Innehåll:Vi går igenom orsak till trycksår samt hur trycksår kan förebyggas och behandlas med madrassortimentet från Direct Healthcare Group. Bakgrund “varför uppstår ett trycksår” Hur väljer man rätt madrass Hur bäddas madrassen i sängen Datum och plats: På förfrågan    Var: Teams Webbinarium Deltagare:  Webinariet riktar sig till alla … Continued

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DHG Acquire Danish Patient Turning System Manufacturer Vendlet ApS

DHG, a pan-European medical device manufacturer, have completed the acquisition of Danish patient turning system manufacturer Vendlet ApS. Vendlet, based in Aabenraa, Denmark, have over 30 years’ experience in the development, manufacturing and application of powered patient turning systems that deliver a safe and comfortable turning experience for the patient whilst preventing the risk of … Continued

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DHG Shortlisted for Prestigious British Business Excellence Awards

DHG has been shortlisted twice in this year’s prestigious Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards. The nominations, in both the Mid Market Business of the Year and Exporter of the Year categories, are testament to the growth of DHG over the past 12 months.  Sponsored by Lloyds Bank, the British Business Excellence Awards showcase the … Continued

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DHG: Moving Health Forward

At DHG, we have experienced significant change over the last 18 months, and have evolved to help support the care of patients with reduced mobility in more ways, in new geographies, and across different environments. As such, today we launch our newly developed brand, which portrays DHG’s continued desire to constantly support our healthcare partners, … Continued

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Direct Healthcare Group Ranked 1st in 2021 Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100

Direct Healthcare Group are extremely pleased to announce that we have been ranked 1st in the 2021 annual Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100. The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 ranks Britain’s 100 private companies with the fastest-growing profits over the last 3 years. The recognition is highly prestigious, with previous top ranked companies … Continued

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Direct Healthcare Group Acquire Dutch Patient Handling Manufacturer United Care BV

Direct Healthcare Group have completed the acquisition of the Dutch patient handling solutions manufacturer United Care BV. United Care BV, based in Groningen, Netherlands, have over 25 years of experience in the development and manufacturing of patient handling solutions that deliver safe, reliable and natural transfers for patients, and efficiencies and reduction of injuries for … Continued

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Direct Healthcare Group Strengthen Solutions Offering with Acquisition of Talley Group Ltd.

Direct Healthcare Group (DHG), a leading European manufacturer of pressure care, specialist seating, patient handling, and bathroom safety solutions, has acquired Talley Group Ltd; strengthening its current pressure ulcer prevention portfolio and providing entry into the negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) and intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) therapy markets. The acquisition will complete at the end … Continued

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Direct Healthcare Group Drive Change with Electric Vehicle Fleet

Direct Healthcare Group have taken significant steps in ensuring that the delivery of its rental and service operation is sustainable and environmentally friendly, as it begins the swap out of conventionally fueled vans to a new electric fleet. The new Peugeot e-Expert vans are fully electric, zero emission vehicles providing a significant environmental benefit within … Continued

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