
Codice Prodotto 8090;8095

Provides support under the user’s feet

FootStool is used to raise the position of the user’s knees to enable an easier and safer transfer in a seated position. FootStool also provides excellent support under the user’s feet during visits to the toilet or when repositioning further back in a chair or wheelchair.

FootStool is available in two variants with different height; 10 cm/4″ or 5 cm/2″.


  • An indentation in the front edge of FootStool enables the carer to stand as close as possible, which gives a better posture
  • In the rear edge there is a more shallow indentation for a toilet chair or other obstacles
  • FootStool is made of cellular plastic, a sturdy material which doesn’t slide on the underlying surface
  • The surface is easy to clean with a soap or alcohol solution

Combination of devices provides individually adapted solutions

To create optimal solutions for users with different needs, FootStool can be used in combination with other manual transfer aids. For a sitting transfer from a wheelchair, for example, FootStool is often used in combination with EasyGlide sliding board. Click “See also” at the bottom of this page for suggestions on combinations and more information.

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Art. no.80908095
DescriptionHeight 10 cmHeight 5 cm
Length320 mm320 mm
Width380 mm380 mm
Height100 mm50 mm
Unit1 1
Positioning in chair
From bed to commode
From bed to wheelchair
From wheelchair to toilet

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