Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

UK Carbon Reduction Plan

DHG’s Carbon Reduction Plan aims to achieve significant carbon reductions across our operations, looking to reduce our emissions by 50% by 2035, and a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Our Carbon Reduction Plan adheres to the guidelines and reporting standard outlined in PPN 06/21.

DHG’s Carbon Reduction Plan can be viewed by clicking here.

ISO 26000

The below outlines Direct Healthcare Group’s compliance with Environmental Social and Governance’s criteria by way of the Global Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000). Policies and documented procedures in relation to ESG/CSR are maintained in the company’s Business Management System.


  • Our maintained Business Management System is certified to the Environmental Standard BS EN ISO 14001
  • We have a documented procedure for Consumption of Resources which includes monitoring quantities of water, electricity, gas and vehicle fuel used
  • We have a documented procedure for Waste Management which also covers Pollution (land and water). We do not manufacture any products that would result in atmospheric pollution (emissions).
  • We also have a documented procedure ensuring that we comply with applicable environmental legislation including the maintenance of a legal register which is reviewed biannually.


  • All suppliers are requested to complete a Supplier Evaluation Questionnaire which includes CSR, Environmental and Health and Safety requirements.
  • We provide support for two local rugby clubs and also donate to the charity Woundcare4Heroes.
  • We work in compliance with the OHSAS 18001 Standard (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) and perform risk assessments of all equipment and activities to ensure the health and wellbeing of all employees, visitors and contractors.
  • All business-critical decisions are made with the involvement of company stakeholders.


  • All company accounting procedures are in line with IFRS.
  • We are committed to conducting our affairs ethically and lawfully, working to the company Code of Conduct. This is communicated to all new employees at induction and is available to internal/external stakeholders via our company website.
  • Our Ethics and Compliance Guidelines are based on the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice which can be found on our company website. We also have an Ethics Hotline should any internal/external stakeholders have any questions about any of the topics regarding our Corporate Compliance.