Heavy Duty commode/shower chair

Código de Producto LI2137.5211-02;LI2137.5214-02

Designed for larger and heavier users

In today’s society, the number of overweight people is increasing steadily. Overweight people are also getting heavier. Handicare’s Heavy Duty commode/shower chair meets the specific needs and requirements of these users and provides safe solutions. This practical, mobile commode/shower chair features a reinforced frame allowing for users weighing up to 300 kg.

Heavy Duty commode/shower chair is an assistive device allowing the larger and heavier user to sit down safely and comfortably during showering or toileting. It is supplied complete with toilet rails and can be used freestanding, with a bedpan or bucket which are available as accessories, or standing over a toilet.

Designed for larger users

Compared to standard commode/shower chairs, Handicare’s Heavy Duty commode/shower chair features a larger seat with a width of 600 mm and a depth of 525 mm. Furthermore, the seat and the backrest are designed to provide ergonomic support in the right places while, at the same time, offering sufficient free space to enable the user to sit comfortably.

Comfortable and practical toilet seat

The chair features a soft and comfortable toilet seat with an open front making it easier for the user to reach intimate body parts without standing up. The toilet seat is hinged and can be lifted up for easier cleaning.


Replacement seats and an insert for the toilet opening are available as accessories.

Strong, practical armrests

Heavy Duty commode/shower chair features specially designed, strong and practical armrests able to withstand a lot of load, including the sideways forces that are exerted during sideways transfers. The armrests offer comfortable, ergonomic support for the forearms while sitting and they are long enough to provide sustained support when standing up and sitting down. The armrests can be folded down individually, e.g. to facilitate a sideways transfers. When folded up again, the armrests are automatically locked to offer secure support for the user. The design of the armrests also prevents clothing from getting caught.

Height adjustable, continuous footrest for optimal support

The chair features a continuous footrest fitted with a strong textile covering. The continuous design allows the user to always choose the most comfortable position for the feet. To enable optimal support for all users, the height of the footrest can be adjusted. The connector rod ensures that height adjustment is always symmetrical, allowing for both feet to be at the same height. The footrest can be folded up in under the seat not to get in the way for the user during sitting down or standing up from the chair.

Durable, double braked castors

Heavy Duty commode/shower chair is mobile, fitted with four plastic castors with a diameter of 125 mm, making the chair very easy to move between different locations as well as to manoeuver, turn and adjust to different positions in various settings and situations. The castors are extremely robust and have a long track record of use in wet environments such as bathrooms. The double brakes on each castor ensure that the chair remains in a stable, fixed position when providing care and performing transfers.

Easy maintenance and good hygiene

Heavy Duty commode/shower chair features a compact design with smooth shapes and surfaces providing for easy maintenance and good hygiene. It is made from strong and durable materials which can withstand water and which are easy to keep clean. The toilet seat and the armrests are made from polyurethane (PUR) foam with a closed cell structure. The backrest and the footrest feature a strong textile covering; a woven polyester with plastic coating, which is firmly attached to the frame and which adapts to the body temperature during use.

Order information

Handicare’s Heavy Duty commode/shower chair is available in two materials with a weatherproof, high impact coating; coated steel and coated stainless steel (both are available in the colour white only). Remember to specify required colour when ordering. The textile covering is available only in neutral white colour.


  • Stable and secure, reinforced frame
  • The design provides space and support for larger and heavier users
  • For showering and toileting; freestanding (with bedpan or bucket) or standing over a toilet with a maximum height of 450 mm
  • Soft, comfortable, hinged toilet seat with open front for optimal hygiene
  • Individually folding armrests with automatic locking function
  • Height adjustable, swing-up, continuous footrest
  • Mobile and very easy to move and manoeuver
  • Durable, double braked castors, Ø 125 mm
  • Watertight construction; solid tubular frame
  • Durable materials; steel/stainless steel, textile and polyurethane foam, suitable for wet environments
  • Easy maintenance, clean regularly with normal household detergent
  • Extremely strong and sturdy, provides reliable support for larger and heavier users weighing up to 300 kg


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Material, frameSteelStainless steel
Material, backrestTextile; woven polyester with plastic coatingTextile; woven polyester with plastic coating
Material, seatPolyurethane (PUR)Polyurethane (PUR)
Material, armrestPolyurethane (PUR)Polyurethane (PUR)
Material, footrestTextile; woven polyester with plastic coatingTextile; woven polyester with plastic coating
Art. no.LI2137.5211-02LI2137.5214-02
NameHeavy Duty commode/shower chairHeavy Duty commode/shower chair
DescriptionCoated steel, white, complete with toilet rails for bedpans or buckets with a diameter of 300-315 mmCoated stainless steel, white, complete with toilet rails for bedpans or buckets with a diameter of 300-315 mm
Total width680 mm680 mm
Total height1040 mm1040 mm
Backrest width600 mm600 mm
Armrests length100 mm100 mm
Armrests height250 mm250 mm
Unit1 1
Total depth 940 mm940 mm
Seat height570 mm570 mm
Seat depth525 mm525 mm
Max user weight300 kg300 kg
Seat width600 mm600 mm
Max. load on armrest150 kg150 kg
Castors diameter (Ø)125 mm125 mm
In And Out Of Vehicles
Lying To Sitting

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